Foundation Learning

Foundation Learning

We believe that every learner should have the opportunity to continue their education regardless of ability or circumstance. We offer a wide range of courses from Entry Level with a wide range of personalised support to ensure you can fully access the college and your course. We will help you to find the strategies that work for you during your time at college and in your future career.

We proactively implement the SEND principles that it observes: enabling participation, collaboration with partners, high quality provision, inclusive practices, removing barriers to learning and preparing for adulthood.

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the move from school to college. Our friendly Transition Team is here to make your start to college run smoothly, so if you have any special educational needs (SEN) or you have an educational healthcare plan then the Transition Team is a good place to start. If you have any questions email

There are three pathways within Foundation Learning:

ESOL – More formally known as English for Speakers of Other Languages provides students with a nationally recognised qualification. Alongside  English lessons, students will also study maths, employability and study skills.

SEND – Our Foundation Learning programme that specialises in providing a more supportive environment for students with special educational needs and disabilities. From Level 1 to our Entry Level 2 qualifications, we ensure students are ready and equipped for mainstream college education. All learners will continue to study maths and English, at a level appropriate for them and will also work towards building their independent study skills and employability skills to help them to progress to higher levels of study or employment. These vital skills are developed through a range of tailored trips, visits and residential opportunities allowing young people to develop both professionally and personally.

Vocational –  We have a wide range of courses available at Entry 3 and Level 1. All learners will continue to study maths and English, employability skills and work related learning. In addition, you will have the opportunity to choose a vocational option, which you will study with industry professionals for 6 hours per week. There are a range of Professional and Technical options available:

  • Creative Industries
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Hair and Beauty
  • ICT
  • Construction Trades
  • Health and Social Care
  • Motor Vehicle Maintenance
  • Business and Retail

As part of the Children’s and Families Act, a SEND Local Offer is a requirement for schools, colleges and local authorities to publish the provision available to children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities.

At Stockport College we are committed to meeting the needs of all our students. Our offer describes how we support the special educational needs and disabilities of young people and adults. Find out more about our Local Offer here.

get college ready

At Stockport College we want to ensure you’re confident that you’ve made the right choice and are prepared to start your course with us. 

To give you a taste of what to expect we’ve created a downloadable activity sheet for you to look at in your own time, giving you an overview of the course, interactive tasks to complete and even links to videos to get you used to the type of classwork you’ll be doing once you join us.